Policies, Terms & Conditions

The following are terms and conditions that apply to all participants on Wet Planet Rafting and Kayaking trips:

Licenses and Permits

Wet Planet Rafting Inc is licensed and insured in the State of Washington. We operate under special use permits and licensing by the USDA Forest Service (Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest and Salmon-Challis National Forest) the Bureau of Land Management (BLM – Vale District), the Idaho Outfitters & Guides Licensing Board and Oregon State Marine Board.

COVID-19 Procedures

During all trips and courses, we abide by a strict COVID-19 risk mitigation plan developed internally to help mitigate the risks of contracting COVID-19 for both our staff and guests during river trips. We are also committed to adhering to all current federal, state, and local county guidance and restrictions. To learn more about what you can expect from us, and what we expect from you, please read about our COVID-19 operations and restrictions.

Participation Agreement & Assumption of Risks

All guests with Wet Planet will be asked to read and sign an Assumption of Risk and Release of Liability Participation Agreement prior to any whitewater rafting trip or kayak instruction. Minors must also read and sign the agreement, as well as have the Agreement signed by a parent or legal guardian. If the minor’s legal guardians will not be participating in the trip, the form may be read and signed by the parent or legal guardian in advance of the rafting trip or kayak course. Simply print the Assumption of Risk Participation Agreement, read it, and bring the signed form with you when you sign in for your trip.

Cancellation Policy

For our Day Rafting Trips, we provide full refunds for cancellations made up until 8 days before the scheduled trip or course date. There are no refunds for any cancellations made within 7 days notice.

For Whitewater Kayaking Classes, including 2- or 3-Day Kayaking CoursesKids’ CampsOne-Day Kayaking Clinics, and Private Instruction, we provide 90% refund up until 15 days before the scheduled course date. There are no refunds for any cancellations made within 14 days notice.

For our Multi-day Trips and Guide School,  we provide a 90% refund up until 60 days before the trip, and a 50% refund up until 22 days before the trip. No refunds will be given for cancellations within 21 days of the first day of the trip.

For our River Rescue, First Responder and ACA Kayaking Instructor courses, we provide a 90% refund up to 30 days before the scheduled course date. No refunds will be given for cancellations within 30 days of the first day of the course.

For all trips & courses, cancellation fees are based on the total trip cost.

Alcohol Policy

Consumption of alcohol before or during any whitewater activity creates a serious risk to all participants on the trip or course.  Alcohol consumption is not permitted before or during any of our whitewater trips. Guests arriving for a trip or course under the influence of alcohol will not be permitted to participate, and no refund will be given.  On multi-day trips or courses, moderate consumption of alcohol is permitted at camp after the day’s river activity or in town by participants of a legal drinking age.

Marijuana Policy

Similar to alcohol, consumption of marijuana before or during any whitewater activity creates a serious risk to all participants on the trip or course. Marijuana use is not permitted before or during any of our whitewater trips. Guests arriving for a trip or course under the influence of marijuana will not be permitted to participate, and no refund will be given.  Much attention has been paid to the passage of Initiative 502 and the legalization of recreational marijuana use in the state of Washington. However, I-502 states that it is unlawful to open/consume a package of marijuana or marijuana infused product in view of the general public. The Wet Planet property and Wet Planet facilities are public spaces open to the general public. As such, it is illegal to consume marijuana products on the Wet Planet property.

River Levels and Changing Conditions

Risk management is our first priority, and we reserve the right to change or cancel any rafting trips or kayak instruction due to inappropriate water levels, weather conditions, or other circumstances beyond our control.

Discrimination Policy

This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

In accordance with the Federal law, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability.  (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs)

To file a complaint of discrimination: write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington , D.C. 20250-9410 or call (202)720-5964 (voice and TDD).  USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Privacy Policy

We will never share or sell your private information. For more details about our privacy policy, please read our complete privacy policy.